This abstract diptych features strong textural elements and an interplay of warm/cool vibrant colors. I like the way the neutral browns turn on the colors of the orange and blue hues. I started this painting with the grid pattern made from white acrylic modeling compound. If you look at some of my other abstract pieces, you'll see that I love squares. Don't ask me why, but they show up a lot.
I worked on other paintings while the little white squares sat quietly observing my activities. I'm not a nut case, but some times I think these incomplete paintings are watching and waiting - kind of like the ghost of our departed cat, Garfield. I swear I see his ghost out of the corner of my eye every once in a while.
But I digress. One day last week I had the urge to confront the squares and decide their destiny. I had a vague idea of using a combined warm/cool palette, but that's about it. Since the squares were in a grid pattern, a geometric design was a natural outcome. What else could one do with dozens of little white squares in a grid pattern? I threw the circles in the mix so as not to be too much of a Mondrian clone.
My husband thought I should call this "Gridlock". That is a good name, and I almost called it that, but I wanted a title that celebrated the colors. For purchase information, please see my website.
Maybe I commented before, but I went to your site and I am so immpressed with your mastery of both realistic & abstract. I, also, love to do both.
ReplyDeleteI absoluted love these 2 pieces. Just wonderful!